CPAK Hall of Fame Call for Nominations

The call for nominations for the CPAK Hall of Fame Class of 2025 is currently open. Anyone wishing to nominate and serve as the champion for their nominee will be responsible for submitting their nomination with all contact information, honoree resume/CV, and letter(s) of support and nomination.

Nominations are due February 1, 2025.

Hall of Fame Guidelines & Qualifications

The College Personnel Association of Kentucky (CPAK) is proud to establish the CPAK Hall of Fame Gallery of Outstanding Educators and Professionals to honor and recognize our colleagues in the Commonwealth who have served their respective institutions, the state, region and national associations through leadership and service.  These individuals are recognized each year at CPAK’s annual meeting.

Each year CPAK will select five and no more than ten exceptional educators to be inducted into the CPAK Hall of Fame of Outstanding Educators and Professionals in Higher Education.  CPAK’s executive leadership will be responsible for the call for nominations and selection process.  

This honor serves as a way to recognize our outstanding colleagues and support our state association. Each champion is also responsible for collecting and submitting a $300 donation to the CPAK Foundation 30 days prior to annual conference. These gifts are tax deductible. This contribution helps support the cost of this recognition program and our CPAK annual meeting.

Qualifications for Selection Include:

  • A minimum of 7 years of professional service and leadership with an institution or agency of higher learning in the Commonwealth of Kentucky,
  • A distinguished tenure of leadership and service to their students, colleagues and institution(s) in Kentucky,
  • A sustained commitment and contribution to the state, region, national and international professional associations that serve our profession and their respective membership, and
  • Outstanding achievement and service in scholarship and teaching in the field of higher education