If you are ready to join and see all the exciting opportunities our members have at both the state and national levels, then follow the link below to sign up! For the best value, join both the CPAK and ACPA. However, We look forward to serving you this year!
CPAK Membership Benefits
- Chapter-specific communication
- Access to your state/regional Chapter events
- ACPA’s eCommunity weekly newsletter
ACPA & CPAK Membership
The College Personnel Association of Kentucky has been working with Student Affairs professionals and the students they serve for 40 years. Over the years, the association has provided professional development opportunities for its 150 members. Read more about us in the Goals and Purpose portion of our website.
Benefits of dual ACPA & CPAK Membership
- Annual Conference: The annual CPAK conference is held once a year at a different location within the state. Members are invited to submit proposals that provide a quality educational experience for those who attend. Many professionals of all levels attend, making for excellent networking opportunities!
- Fellowship: Periodic drive-ins, one-day conferences, and discussion groups are held to address specific areas of Student Affairs in depth.
- Graduate Student Engagement: The future of our field lies with those who are just now entering the field. As such, CPAK strives to offer graduate and undergraduate students a comfortable entry point to the world of Student Affairs professional development. Through our annual Case Study competition and Careers in Student Affairs conference, the newest generation of Student Affairs professionals can find their way to a promising career.